「人に遇うて問うを休めよ南禅寺 一体の青松 路迷わず」頼山陽
そんな南禅寺へと通ずる道に『京の宿 柚』は面しています。
"Stop asking the way to Nanzenji Temple to a passer-by you meet.
Roadside green pine trees lead you there definitely".
By Rai San'yo (Japanese historian/poet)
Our guesthouse "YUZU" faces the very street.
京の宿 柚
Traditional house in a histriocal place
平安神宮、南禅寺やインクライン、青蓮院、 知恩院、八坂神社などの名所旧跡、そして岡崎公園付近の美術館、劇場、動物園なども徒歩圏内にあり、祇園や三条、四条の繁華街へのアクセスもよい、抜群のロケーションです。また、東山を流れる白川沿いの柳、春の桜や秋のもみじなど、美しい自然を身近に感じながら、おくつろぎいただけます。
Within walking distance from our guesthouse, you can get to Heian Jingu shrine, Nanzenji temple, Keage Incline, Shorenin temple, Chionin temple, Yasaka shrine, ROHM Theater Kyoto, Kyoto City Zoo etc. And the downtown area like Gion, Sanjo and Shijo is within easy access of our house. So, it is located in a very useful area.
In addition, you can enjoy some relaxing time in its natural surroundings with willows along the beautiful Shirakawa river, cherry blessoms in spring and crimson foliage in autumn and so on.
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